Epilepsy Scotland

Anyone can develop epilepsy at any time and in Scotland 58,000 people are estimated to be living with epilepsy. We make sure the needs of people living with epilepsy are met by campaigning for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigma.

Epilepsy ScotlandWe focus our services on improving the mental, physical, and financial wellbeing of people living with epilepsy of all ages.

Epilepsy Scotland Services

  • The Helpline and Information Service (launched in 2003) produce publications, provide a telephone and digital helpline and ‘check-in’ service for anyone who has questions about epilepsy or needs guidance to find the right support for them.
  • Our Youth Work (started in 2003) connects young people 8-21 with epilepsy to help overcome isolation, low confidence, and low self-esteem.
  • The Adult Wellbeing Service (launched in 2016) provides bespoke support for people who may be struggling with a diagnosis of epilepsy and experiencing anxiety, stress, or isolation.
  • Our Welfare Rights Service (launched in 2017) is the only service in the UK providing specialist 1:1 advice and support on claiming financial entitlements and navigating the benefits system for people with epilepsy.

More information

Call our freephone helpline: 0808 800 2200
Visit our website: www.epilepsyscotland.org.uk

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Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving is the most tax-efficient way for employees to support the charities of their choice and is one of the main sources of income for Bighearted Scotland. It is very easy for companies to implement, only involving a few minutes of work each month. Regular donations allow Bighearted Scotland to budget for the future.

More about Payroll Giving